Find Windows Filetime objects in Binary Data
I did some reverse engineering of 3rd party software in a client environment and wrote this script to help determine how they logged events.
import struct, time, os, sys
def conv_time(l, h):
d = 116444736000000000L
if l + h > 0:
newTime = (((long(h) << 32) + long(l)) - d)/10000000
newTime = 0
#if the datestamp happens between Jan 1 2000 and now.
if newTime <= time.time() and newTime >= 946684800:
return time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(newTime))
return 0
with open(sys.argv[1],'rb') as FileData:
buffer = 1024 * 1024
rawdata = " "
offset = 0
chunkoffset = 0
while rawdata:
rawdata = # Read the entire file into memory
x = 0 # Count the number of timestamps
chunkoffset += offset
offset += len(rawdata)
for i in range(len(rawdata)):
possible_timestamp = rawdata[i:i+8]
try: #Try to format these 8 bytes as a timestamp
formatted_timestamp = conv_time(struct.unpack("<L",possible_timestamp[0:4])[0],
if formatted_timestamp:
print "Offset", int(chunkoffset + i), "Timestamp", x, formatted_timestamp
x += 1 # add one to the timestamp count
except: # Something broke...
continue # Try the next 8 bytes